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top 10 useful resources

Writer's picture: Joely ToJoely To

I thought I’d share 10 of the most helpful resources I’ve come across – some are to help with GCSE and A-Level maths revision, and some broaden horizons beyond the syllabus. A few were recommended to me at maths events or by friends and teachers, and some I found myself. Hope this helps!

1) Martin Gardner’s books – highly-regarded maths and science writer, with over 100 books on not only maths, but also philosophy and religion! I’m interested in starting The Colossal Book of Short Puzzles and Problems myself, which compiles brain teasers and short maths puzzles.

2) Vi Hart youtube videos – portrays maths in really exciting, fun ways!

3) Numberphile youtube videos – covers a wide range of intriguing maths concepts, perfect for extending knowledge beyond the school syllabus.

4) – brilliant for anyone aged 11-15 who likes short challenging maths puzzles.

5) NRICH – a fantastic site full of interesting problems. I especially love the Advanced Problem Solving modules! Here’s the main site of resources:

6) Underground Mathematics – linked closely with NRICH, but focuses more on A-Level resources :

7) Plus Magazine – full of stimulating problems and great articles on applied maths:

8) Hegarty Maths – a great revision resource for KS3, GCSE and A-Level maths!

9) Dr Frost Maths – some schools are signed up to this platform, which provides videos, exercises, exam questions and more to boost confidence in maths:

10) AMSP – runs events and courses, including for exam support and university preparation. They’re also developing ways to support students during this coronavirus time – check out their webpage here:

Feel free to let me know which ones you find most useful, or if you have any to add to the list! I’ll definitely create more lists if I come across new resources :)



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