She was not only ranked the top UKMT female mathematician in the UK in 2018, but is now Vice President at Warwick Maths Society. Meet Soumya Krishnakumar, an incredible role model and Founder of The Crisis Project: Letters for the NHS*. I'm so grateful to have interviewed her, as she not only gives you an honest insight into life at Warwick but also reminds every girl why they ARE capable of studying a Maths degree.
*I'd highly recommend checking out Soumya's brilliant initiative: and consider volunteering or nominating a key worker!

"Even if you don't get the grade you want at first, the time you spend deeply thinking about a problem will really help you progress. It's in these moments that you become a better mathematician"
Why did you choose to study maths at university?
In all honesty I personally never seriously considered another degree - it always felt obvious to me that I would do maths. I'd always excelled at maths at school and during my A levels I was off-curriculum, doing separate work to my peers to stretch me, and pursuing topics I found interesting. Furthermore, I'd been competing in maths competitions from a young age, and find the subject deeply fascinating. There's something beautiful about working for a long time on a problem and finally thinking of the key that unlocks it for you. I also love the rush that you get when you finally understand how something works, or how deeply satisfying it is to come up with a quick, elegant solution to something you've already solved. In my opinion, studying maths is a little similar to being adrenaline junkie - I find myself constantly chasing these highs and marvelling at the beauty I discover as the subject expands.
Were there any challenges you faced while studying maths? If so, how did you overcome them?
Yes definitely! The step up from A levels to university is not to be underestimated! I felt really supported at Warwick, and found my coursemates really helpful because we were all going through the same thing. It's a bit of a shock transitioning from A level to university maths, in some ways it's a completely different way of thinking. You can quite easily get through A level maths by learning how to implement formulas and doing past papers - at university past papers are few and far between and everything is a lot more analytical and proof-based.
As someone who achieved top scores in Maths A Level and the Olympiad, what are your key tips for success?
Let's consider Maths A level first. I know this may sound cliche but the key really is practise, practise, PRACTISE! Spend some time going over the content of the course in detail, make sure you understand WHY things happen - if you understand the mechanisms behind a formula, you will be able to replicate it for yourself without even needing to look it up! Then start doing past papers - do them methodically. Do them in exam conditions (even if you don't get the grade you want at first, the time you spend deeply thinking about a problem will really help you progress. It's in these moments that you become a better mathematician. When you're staring at the page and can't think how to do a question and you're running through your mathematical inventory, and suddenly you realise which technique you need.) Then go through your paper and find out where you tripped up. Do these questions over and over again, find question packs online with one specific type of question. Cheeky plug but I offer tutoring for GCSE and A level - feel free to get in contact with me**.
I have been fortunate enough to have been successful with competitions, specifically the UKMT competitions. I scored 100% on the Mathematical Olympiad for Girls, and have been invited to the UKMT summer training camps. I provide coaching services for UKMT competitions as well, but honestly would say it's very difficult to cultivate skills since it's more a way of thinking. With practise, you get used to the types of questions they set and will definitely improve - once again, past papers are your friend!
PART 2 coming soon...
**In the meantime, feel free to contact Soumya here!